Another day, another arrest(s) in Guatemala

Following last week's arrests of a dozen or so police and civilians, CICIG and the Public Prosecutor's Office this time moved against Congress.
The investigation conducted by the attorney general and the U.N. anti-impunity and accountability body CICIG found that funds that should have been paid to 15 Congress-hired security guards were diverted to a company managed by former Congress President and ruling party lawmaker Pedro Muadi.
According to CICIG, each security guard received only about one quarter of their allocated salaries, delivered in cash by Muadi's secretary Claudia Bolanos Morales. The remaining three quarters of each guards' monthly pay was diverted by cheque into Muadi's company's account over the course of six months in 2013, when he was the president of Congress.
CICIG estimates that over US$80,000 was embezzled through the scheme. The attorney general and CICIG have submitted a request for an impeachment progress against Muadi, who is at the center of the scandal. Authorities detained Muadi's secretary Bolanos Morales and head of security Jose Blanco Aguilar on charges of corruption and embezzlement for their links to scandal, according to CICIG.
Another blow to the Patriotic Party and retired general Otto Perez Molina. A few weeks ago, I thought that there was a very good chance that the president was going to leave office before his term expires in January. There's still a good chance but I don't know. Maybe he'll pull an Alfonsin and leave between the election and inauguration.

I think that there's a better chance, however, that he'll be hauled before the courts once he leaves the presidential palace and loses his immunity, a la Rios Montt. There's just no way all this corruption involving his political party and closest confidants goes on without his knowledge, if not participation. He can't be that oblivious to what is going on around him.

In other news, Guatemalan authorities arrests three individuals, including two police officers, for the March 10th murders of journalists Danilo Lopez and Federico Salazar in Mazatenango.

If you are allegedly corrupt and prohibited from running for mayor of Chinaulta, why not let your niece for for office. (#Lidermoreofthesame)

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