28th Anniversary of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador
Twenty-eight years ago, six Jesuit priests and their two lay companions were murdered at the Central American University in San Salvador. Their murders occurred in the midst of an offensive launched by the FMLN. During the chaos of the offensive, the Salvadoran military high command ordered the Atlacatl Battalion to kill Fr. Ignacio Ellacuria and to leave no witnesses. I would not be a political scientist today if it were not for this truly horrific event.
Today, Inocente Montano is one step closer to extradition from the US to Spain to stand trial for his role in the murders. Victims of the country's civil war demand reparations. At the University of Scranton, we have renamed Education for Justice as The Ellacuria Initiative and are hosting a screening of A Question of Conscience. The work of the Jesuit martyrs continues in El Salvador and across the Jesuit network in the United States and beyond.
Today, Inocente Montano is one step closer to extradition from the US to Spain to stand trial for his role in the murders. Victims of the country's civil war demand reparations. At the University of Scranton, we have renamed Education for Justice as The Ellacuria Initiative and are hosting a screening of A Question of Conscience. The work of the Jesuit martyrs continues in El Salvador and across the Jesuit network in the United States and beyond.
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