Santos rejects report on extrajudicial killings, but met with HRW (June 25, 2015)

The Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal cover new angles on Human Rights Watch's report on the Colombian army's extrajudicial killings. (See yesterday's post.)

President Juan Manuel Santos condemned the report yesterday and said it smeared top army brass without evidence, reports the WSJ. That’s no way to be watching for the respect of human rights,” said Mr. Santos, who denied there were open investigations into high-ranking army officials. 

Santos met with HRW Americas director Jose Miguel Vivanco yesterday after his initial rejection of the report, according to Colombia Reports. Santos “proved to be very receptive and we had the opportunity to have a conversation I would say was very respectful and, moreover, focused on the evidence, the cases and the data were were able to inform him of,” Vivanco told press afterwards.

The LATimes piece makes reference to older reports on the "false positives" killings and emphasizes that the killings are linked to top army leadership and U.S. military funding. "This (HRW) report confirms what we all knew: that responsibility for the extrajudicial execution scandal in Colombia reaches top leadership," said Lisa Haugaard of the Washington-based Latin America Working Group think tank, who worked on the 2008 study that helped bring the false positives case to light.

The piece also mentions a study last year by the New York–based peace advocacy group Fellowship of Reconciliation, or FOR, which also linked false positive killings to specific Colombian army units and commanders who had received training at the U.S. Army’s Ft. Benning and other installations. 

The FOR and HRW studies are especially relevant because the U.S. government is using Colombian officers to train foreign militaries in Central America and the Middle East, explains John Lindsay-Poland, a former FOR official.

The WSJ piece notes that Colombia has been the recipient of nearly $10 billion in U.S. aid over the past 15 years. "We are reviewing the Human Rights Watch’s most recent report on Colombia now," said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Julia Straker, speaking from Washington. The U.S. military’s annual foreign financing review "takes into consideration whether or not Colombia is investigating, prosecuting, and punishing persons responsible for gross violations of human rights," she added. 

International human rights advocates, including Vivanco, say it's important that any potential peace deal with the FARC should not include impunity for army officers convicted in false positives killings.

Transitional justice -- alternative penalties for war crimes -- is a major sticking point in the ongoing Havana peace talks with the FARC. Concessions made to rebel leaders will likely extend to army commanders, explains the Miami Herald.

In fact, Silla Vacía reports that this might be the goal of prosecutors who this week ordered four generals to testify regarding the case. Should they be implicated, they will be very interested in supporting transitional justice and the peace initiative in general. (See yesterday's post.)

The report is a reminder of the kinds of crimes that might go unpunished, says Vivanco.

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