It's official- C.A. Moore to be honored on the Butler square

From the Butler City Council meeting last night

The signs will say C.A. Moore Way. Betty Robey came before the Butler City Council to highlight some of Butler’s history Tuesday evening. She also stated there were many other citizens of Butler that were just as worthy as C.A. Moore to be honored. The Council voted to now use C.A. Moore Way and this will be reflected on each of the four corners of the square by a sign. The Bronze plaque on front of City Hall will still be erected as soon as the sign is finalized.
Long time newsman C.A. Moore will be
honored with signage and a bronze plaque

Council approved the TIF (Tax Incentive Financing) and CID (Community Improvement Districts) proposals which are Community Development incentives to be used for new individuals and companies that will be building in the area.

The wearing of life jackets at the Butler Aquatic Center was clarified. It was stated to Council this policy has been in effect for as long as anyone could remember and it was because of the safety issue with the jackets they were banned. Also discussed were the fees the school should pay for using the fields for baseball and softball games. No decision was made on the fees at this time.

Skydive KC was given approval to erect a permanent wood pole building to replace the previous non-permanent structure that was destroyed in last week’s windstorm. The building is to be 35 x 40 with 2 overhead doors.

Council approved Bill No. 2015-6 Ordinance No. 1003 to re-establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain officials. This is an ordinance that needs to be renewed every two years.

Casey Koehn, City Administrator told council the demo project is moving along with 13 houses down. Casey and Elizabeth Ogg will be attending a Grant workshop on July 28th. A total of 5 60/40 Matching Grants for assistance in establishing a Main Street Organization or Downtown Revitalization Program will be given.

The Airport Commission included a change order. The City has no accountability for the agricultural businesses that fly in and out of the Airport. Casey has spoken with Chris Hall who is getting prices for a sign to post stating that all agricultural fliers will contact City Hall before conducting any business. Chris is also getting prices for putting up a fence on the south end where the chemical trucks enter.

Casey and Elizabeth Ogg have met with potential investors for the proposed Cobblestone Hotel. The study has begun and should take approximately 60 – 90 days to complete.

An extension of 45 days was given to the parties that won the bids to bail hay on City property. It has been extended until August 15 due to all the rain we have received.

New Commission members:
• Airport & Police – Bill Delli Paoli and Crystal Treadwell
• Planning Commission – Lynn Nitche, Carol Ann Winburn, Crystal Treadwell, Victor Fugate
• Zoning – Lynn Nitche, Rusty Ross
• Parks and Recreation – John Daniel, Arnold Hannah, Gene Delozier
• Industrial Marketing – Sally Burg, Nita Thompson
• Cemetery – Carol Henry
• Industrial Development Authority – Jim Arnold, Danny Robinson
• Neighborhood Advisory – Carol Henry


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