Older Worker Opportunities Now Available in Bates County

“Unfortunately, finding a job can be especially difficult for older workers who have not looked for employment for some time or for those who have been unsuccessful in their job hunt. Our program is a stepping stone for people desperate for work. We can provide immediate assistance and wages, for those who qualify for the SCSEP.” Experience Works SCSEP is available at no cost to people who meet eligibility criteria. The program provides paid community service assignments at local public and non-profit organizations, training, referral to needed services, and job search assistance. With updated skills, participants use their community service training as a springboard to permanent jobs with local employers.
For more information call toll-free 1-877-872-4740 or 1-660-885-5678 or visit www.experienceworks.org.
( submitted by Bill Thole)
Courtesy of Marla Kash FM. 92.1
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