U.S. ruling could require release of undocumented immigrant children (July 28, 2015)

A California judge ruled that the U.S. government is violating a 1997 settlement by detaining unauthorized immigrant children, and an order may be forthcoming to require the release of the minors and parents detained with them, reports Reuters.

Last week's ruling on detentions represents a defeat for U.S. immigration authorities, who in court filings argued releasing undocumented immigrant children with their parents encourages families in Central America to undertake the dangerous journey north.

More than 55,000 family units were caught crossing the southern border last fiscal year, and nearly 25,000 so far this fiscal year, reports the Los Angeles Times, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection stats. Earlier this month, there were 2,172 immigrant mothers and children detained at the three family detention centers, most of them – 1,979 – at Dilley in Texas.

U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee's 25-page ruling would provide for keeping a parent in custody if the person is a "significant flight risk," and in some cases the decision envisions releasing a child to another family member in the United States.

But a sudden release of hundreds of detainees is probably not going to happen, explains the LATimes. The judge gave the administration until Aug. 3 to file a response to her intended order, and the administration can still appeal.

The pro bono lawyers who work with families in detention said they were encouraged by the ruling, but did not expect mass releases this week. "This could change how the kids are treated but there is some language in there that is concerning that may allow ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to keep these families detained, either together or separately," Jonathan Ryan, an immigration lawyer and executive director of RAICES, an immigrant legal advocacy group based in San Antonio that works with families in detention centers told the LATimes.

Ryan said it appears that under the conditions the judge suggested in her order, the government could still detain mothers if their children were placed with relatives or other sponsors. "Things could move forward for the children and backward for the moms," he said, adding, "The only thing I can think of that’s scarier than being locked up as a child is being locked up and then sent away and your mom is still there. This is going to continue to be an exercise in cruelty."

The LATimes has a feature on the family detention centers, which over a 130 members of Congress have said should be shut down. And also see this February NYTimes Magazine piece on shameful conditions of family detention camps in the U.S.

News Briefs
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