Brazilian Supreme Court to decide in a landmark drug possession case (August 13, 2015)

The Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) is slated to decide in a landmark drug case today that could potentially decriminalize drug possession for personal use. The decision could create a new legal framework for drugs in Brazil, where currently possession is a crime, reports Folha de S. Paulo. The newspaper says that three of the court’s 11 ministers said the tribunal is leaning towards decriminalization though the polemic case might take not be decided in one session.

The Court will discuss the constitutionality of the article that criminalizes the possession of narcotics in the Anti-Drug Law, explains Folha de S. Paulo (English). In Brazil drug use is not a crime, but possession – even small amounts for personal consumption – is, according to O Globo. The court will consider a 2009 case in which a person was caught with three grams of marijuana. The defendant is challenging the constitutionality of the drug law, arguing that it interferes with a person’s right to privacy and individual freedom.

A key issue will then be the decision as to what amounts of drugs distinguish personal use from trafficking. A group of experts coordinated by the Igarapé Institute yesterday released a technical note aiming to establish “objective parameters” to define the difference between personal consumption and intent to sell. The goal is to give more security to law enforcement, removing the possibility for discretionary case-by-case decisions. The signatories include former ministers Jose Gomes (Health) and Paulo Vannuchi (Human Rights), the coordinator of a national research group on crack cocaine use, Francisco Inacio Bastos; and the general public supporter of the State of Rio André Luís Machado de Castro. Citing scientific studies and international experiences, the note suggests three different scenarios in which the sums mentioned ranging from 25g to 100g in the case of marijuana; and of 10g to 15g when it comes cocaine and crack, reports O Globo in a separate piece.

Brazil is facing an unsustainable rate of incarceration driven by the growth of prisoners classified as drug traffickers – up to 27 percent of the total of 608,000 inmates in the penitentiary system as of last year -- explain the Igarapé experts. The drug law, which aims to discriminate between dealers and users is applied in a arbitrary fashion, and black and poor people are more likely to receive harsher penalties, according to Dartiu Xavier da Silveira, a psychiatrist who subscribed to the Igarapé note.

The decision presents an opportunity to rectify the problems caused by a 2006 law, which aimed to distinguish between users and traffickers, establishing lower penalties for the former and harsher for the latter. However, in practice, this has meant a skyrocketing rate of trafficking convictions (339 percent), O Globo argued in an editorial yesterday. Often these convictions are based on small amounts of drugs and on the testimony of a single police officer, notes the editorial. The effect is unfairly focused on poorer strata of society. The piece calls for the court to establish a threshold to separate personal consumption from trafficking.

Folha also has an editorial in the same vein, noting that the case will not represent a paradigm shift in the region, where other countries have already stopped punishing drug users. But the piece urges the Court to establish definitions of the amounts that would characterize a drug consumer from trafficker, thus rectifying the effects of the drug law.

But one judge, Mauro Aurélio Mello said that the decision in this case does not aim to establish the quantities of drugs that distinguish users from traffickers, rather that must depend on judges criteria in a case by case basis, reports O Globo.

Another judge, Luís Roberto Barroso, emphasized the potential impact of the decision on the country’s drug policy. While “first world” countries are more preoccupied with consumers, Brazil must focus on the negative impact of trafficking on poor communities he said. He also voiced concern about the high rate of incarceration for persons convicted of possession of small amounts of illicit drugs, though they don’t represent a danger to society.

A potential alternative to fixed quantities defining the difference would be to establish a technical profile of users, reports Folha de S. Paulo.

Regardless of whether the court establishes parameters to differentiate users from traffickers, Folha’s editorial notes that the decision will also signal a shift in national paradigms. A decision to decriminalize possession would affirm that the State does not have the authority to regulate what a person does in privacy and would lay groundwork for the debate on drug legalization to move forward, argues the piece, which voices frustration with the prohibition and drug war paradigm. “Billions of dollars are spent on repression and hundreds of thousands of people are subjected to incarceration just to more or less maintain the consumption levels.”

News Briefs

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  • Police officers from Rio's elite Battalion of Special Police Operations (BOPE) arrested two alleged drug traffickers on Tuesday. Ricardo Chaves de Castro Lima, alias Fu da Mineira, and Cláudio José de Souza Fontarigo, 45, also known as Claudinho, reports Folha de S. Paulo. Castro Lima is considered one of the main leaders of the criminal organization Red Command (CV), while Souza de Fontarigo, his cousin, was thought to be one of Rio's main kidnappers in the 1990s.
  • Forever young: Fidel Castro turns 89 today. In an interview yesterday with the Telemundo network, Kerry said he intends to stroll in Havana “meeting whoever I meet and listening to them and having, you know, whatever views come at me,” reports the Los Angeles Times.
  • Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism announced the 2015 winners of the Maria Moors Cabot Prizes for outstanding reporting on the Americas. They are Lucas Mendes, GloboNews, Brazil; Raúl Peñaranda, Página Siete, Bolivia; Simon Romero, The New York Times, United States; Mark Stevenson, The Associated Press, United States. The Maria Moors Cabot Special Citation is awarded to Ernesto Londoño, The New York Times, United States.

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