El Salvador surpasses 100 homicides per 100k

Salvadorans can look back on 2015 as the year in which their beloved pastor, Archbishop Oscar Romero, was recognized by the Catholic Church as a martyr and then on May 23rd beatified in San Salvador. Romero's beatification was one of the most important stories of the year for the Church, Salvadorans, and people of the Americas.

Unfortunately, 2015 will also be remembered as the year in which El Salvador finished with the world's highest homicide rate. According to preliminary figures, 6,670 Salvadorans were murdered giving the country a homicide rate of 105 per 100,000. That is more than three times Guatemala's homicide rate (still looking for year end numbers). Salvadoran governments have tried mano dura, super mano dura, gang truces, and a variety of short-lived comprehensive security policies.

President Salvador Sanchez Ceren seems to be calling for patience with Plan Seguro El Salvador which isn't the worst thing in the world but is not exactly what the Salvadoran people want to hear or believe is working.
“En el nuevo año seguiremos con paso firme, garantizando la seguridad y tranquilidad de las comunidades, aportando más recursos para mejorar la capacidad de la PNC y la Fuerza Armada.
Continuaremos aplicando con energía y firmeza el plan El Salvador Seguro”, afirmó Sánchez Cerén.
Most of the deaths are said to be gang-related even though firm evidence is difficult to come by.

The new year started off just as the old one left off with 35 deaths. Here's hoping that the government can turn it around sometime soon.

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