ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine 


Ongoing Threat To The Whole Internet - John McAfee: 'As Serious As It Gets - Absolutely No Defenses In Place'

After Tragic Mistakes And Predictions Of Disaster, Expert Warns: 'Americans Will Not Be Spared From The Crisis' - More Proof Emerges Obama Running Illegal Invasion And Planned Takedown Of America

Hot News Around.... the Web!

US Government To Track 'Suspicious' Internet Memes
Scalia Dead 'With A Pillow Over His Head'

Sanders Supporters Revolt Against Superdelegates

Matt Drudge's Army Is Bigger Than The RNC's

NY Mountain Reaches -114 Degrees Wind Chill

Video: Carrier Workers' Rage Over Move To Mexico

Robots Could Leave Half World Unemployed

Facebook Teamed Up With Gov't To Censor Users

OK Rattled By State's Third-Largest Earthquake

CBS Republican Debate Was "Thermonuclear War"

Supreme Court Justice Scalia Dead In Texas

Russia's Medvedev: We Are in 'New Cold War'

Mysterious PAC Promises To Kill Off Trump In South Carolina

World War 3 Heating Up! Survival Of Human Race At Stake!

Life Threatening Weather Strikes Much Of America
This Is Why Tens Of Millions Of Americans Might Soon Die

1400 New Trump Voters: Americans Told Jobs Going To Mexico

US State Department Sneaks Out More Hitlery Emails
American Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed 'Rebels'

Trump, Sanders and the American Rebellion

CIA Director Says ISIS Can Make WMDs

Russia Warns Of 'New World War'

Is The US Economy Running Out Of Gas?

'15 Million MORE Refugees Head To Europe'

Trump Speaks About South Carolina And 'Evil Hillary'

Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy Arrested By FBI In Portland

Rubio Eyes Brokered Convention After NH Setback

Cops Investigating Second Anti-White Attack In NYC

BOOM: Coffee Hits $15 A Cup In Bay Area

TWITTER Censoring Non-Politically Correct Viewpoints?

Markets Around The World Tanking As Gold Soars

Something Terrible Is Brewing: Patriot Terror Psy Op
Why Hillary Doesn't Deserve The Black Vote

Central Banks Are 'Out Of Ammunition'

TWITTER Announces 'Trust And Safety' Panel

Supreme Court Puts Obama's Power Plant Regs On Hold

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