Daily Headlines: February 15, 2016

* Cuba: Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill met with ex-Cuban President Fidel Castro days after the religious figure held historic discussions with Pope Francis in Havana.

* Haiti: Ex-legislative leader Jocelerme Privert was selected as interim president, while elections delayed since last December have once again been rescheduled for April 24th.

* U.S.: Dominican pitcher Jenrry Mejia became the first player to receive a lifetime ban from Major League Baseball following a third positive test for performance enhancing drugs.

* Colombia: Colombian flower growers are hoping to reap profits from the high Valentine’s Day demand abroad coupled with a weakened peso. 

YouTube Source – Rome Reports (Pope Francis met for the first time with the chief of the Russian Orthodox Church last Friday prior to the Argentine-born pontiff’s trip to Mexico).

Online Sources – teleSUR English, Reuters, Fox News Latino, USA Today, CNN

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