From War to Politics: An International Conference on El Salvador’s Peace Process

The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) at Columbia University and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at New York University are hosting a three day event starting this evening on From War to Politics: An International Conference on El Salvador’s Peace Process.

It has the makings of a terrific program and in some ways is a nice follow-up to the 2012 conference in which I participated in San Salvador through UIGCS. I'll be at the conference so let me know if you're attending as well.

You can follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #ElSalvadorAccords2016 and watch a live stream here.

Here is the program:

Thursday, March 31

Welcome and Introduction by John H. Coatsworth, Provost, Columbia University (English)

Keynote Address (English) by Álvaro de Soto, former UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs

Friday, April 1
Welcome by Jill Lane, Director and Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University.

The Role of El Salvador’s Internal Actors in Shaping Peace (Spanish)
  • Moderators: Héctor Lindo-Fuentes, Professor, Fordham University and Joaquín Chávez, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Participants: Francisco R.R. de Sola, President, Homarca S.A. and FUSADES; Manuel Hinds, former Finance Minister of El Salvador; Mirna A. Perla Jiménez, former Justice of El Salvador’s Supreme Court; Salvador Samayoa, former member of the FMLN’s Political-Diplomatic Commission
Fighting While Talking: How Did Battleground Dynamics Influence Negotiating Strategies? (English and Spanish)
  • Moderator: Cynthia J. Arnson, Director, Latin America Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
  • Participants:Armando Calderón Sol, former President of El Salvador; Facundo Guardado, former FMLN commander (Fuerzas Populares de Liberación); General (ret.) Mark Hamilton, former commander of US MILGROUP; Luis Parada, former military attaché of the Embassy of El Salvador in Washington, D.C.; Eduardo Sancho, former FMLN commander (Resistencia Nacional)
The Global Context: How Did Changing Cold War Dynamics Shape the Prospect for Peace? (English)
  • Moderator: Jorge Castañeda, former Foreign Minister of Mexico and Professor, New York University, in conversation with Thomas R. Pickering, former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Saturday, April 2
Welcome by Barbara Weinstein, Chair and Professor, Department of History, New York University

The Role of External Actors in Shaping Peace (English)
  • Moderator: William M. LeoGrande, Professor, American University
  • Participants: Joaquín Chávez, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago; Peter F. Romero, former Assistant Secretary of State; Francesc Vendrell, former UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Personal Representative for the Central American Peace Process; Rubén I. Zamora, former member of the FMLN/FDR Political-Diplomatic Commission
Message by President Salvador Sánchez Cerén, presented by Hugo Martínez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador
El Salvador Today: What Difference did the Accords Make?(English and Spanish)
  • Moderator: Jorge Castañeda, former Foreign Minister of Mexico and Professor, New York University
Roundtable discussion with all participants

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