ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - The Manufactured Divide - Elite Suffers A Devastating Blow And It Is About To Get Worse For Them

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine 


The Manufactured Divide - Elite Suffers A Devastating Blow And It Is About To Get Worse For Them

BEWARE Bernie Sanders Supporters! Viral 'Bernie Sanders Glowsticks' Recipe Meme Was Made By Someone Who Wants To Kill You! ANP Public Service Announcement And Major False Flag Warning


Trump Paralyzed Hillary's Campaign
Hackers Attempt to Hold Capitol Hill Data for Ransom

Iran Threatens To Sink US Warships

Hillary Clinton Is Unraveling Quickly

Trump Narrows VP List As He Moves Into General

Dozens Of Terror Suspects Among Germany Refugees

Latest Sanders Victory Jars Clinton Supporters

The First & Last Tabloid Presidential Elections?

Trump Names Christie To Lead Presidential Transition

Man Faces 'Hate Crime' Over Dog's 'Nazi Salute'

Fish Dying By The MILLIONS All Over Planet

Trump Campaign Compiling Short List Of VP Candidates

Carl Icahn Is Betting On An Imminent Market Collapse

Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director Missing

Cruz Not Releasing Delegates Before The GOP Convention

Cliven Bundy Suing Obama, Nevada Officials

MT Survey: Troops Prefer Trump To Clinton By Huge Margin

Is Online Free Speech Under Attack?

Illegal Immigrant Households Get $5,692 In Welfare

Parents Sue DOE Over Illinois Transgender Bathroom Law

Twitter Blocks US Intel Agency From Analytics Service

Catastrophe Is the New Normal for Venezuelans

Trump Is Going To Troll His Way To Victory

Former FB Workers Routinely Suppressed Conservative News
Trump To Start Security Briefings From Intel Agencies

UPDATE: Swarm of earthquakes beneath Mount St Helens

Monster Canada Wildfire Could 'Double in Size'

A Confession Of Liberal Intolerance

Less Than 1% Of Immigrants Who Overstayed Visas Deported

Mysterious Case Of 'Suicide Village'

Guccifer Speaks To FBI At Length

MO House Passes Anti-Abortion ‘Personhood’ Amendment

Top Allies Break With Ryan Over Trump

Alex Jones: Glenn Beck On Fire With Evil
Trump Is The Nominee But Every State Needs To Keep Voting

Job Cuts At US Companies Jump 35% In April

'Going To Hospital' Is 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In US
Merkel Does 180, Wants To Protect Germany From Immigrants

Democratic Momentum For Hitlery Builds As Bernie Fades
Migrant Rape Epidemic Reaches Austria

Ted Cruz's $10 million donor backs Donald Trump

Chris Matthews Caught on Hot Mic Ogling Melania

San Andreas Fault 'Locked, Loaded And Ready To Roll'

SAVAGE: Obama Will Sabotage Economy On Way Out

Illegal Immigrant Numbers Skyrocket At Mexican Border

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