El Salvador cracks down on gang financial network (July 29, 2016)

Salvadoran authorities announced a series of major raids on the powerful Mara Salvatrucha street gang yesterday. Five gang leaders, previously unknown to authorities, were arrested, and police said they seized weapons, cash and vehicles during raids at homes, restaurants, bars, motels, garages and a car lot, reports the Associated Press.

These businesses generated millions of dollars of profit, according to police chief Howard Cotto. The so-called "Operation Check" has been in the works for a year, and targets MS-13's financial network for the first time, explains El Faro. But authorities emphasized that the money does not belong to the gang, rather it's the profit that certain leaders have skimmed off of the group's criminal activities, without most of the members knowing.

"Most gang members live in deplorable places, very depressed. The ringleaders have been profiting from their own structure ... They have jealously guarded their secret lifestyle ... Some have even decided to pay extortions before allowing members of their structure to realize that these are their businesses. There are businesses that belong to [gang] leaders and pay extortion [fees to gangs], said Cotto.

Attorney general Douglas Meléndez made the same point reiteratedly, part of an official message from authorities to gang members that they are being used by their leaders, according to El Faro. "The issue is potentially a depth charge inside Mara Salvatrucha ... Within the criminal structure, the value of horizontality is much appreciated." Leaders prefer to be called "spokespeople" and while the gangs do in fact have a fairly vertical chain of command, the hierarchy is based on ability to work for the common good. "The dominant discourse inside Mara Salvatrucha is that its criminal activity is for subsistence, as the resources obtained from extortion must benefit all the members of the structure, calculated at close to 40 thousand. The internal gang rules severely condemn those who obtain personal gains using the structure."

One of those detained is the alleged MS-13 treasurer, Marvin Adaly Ramos Quintanilla, an evangelical pastor who used his work as a front to enter prisons and talk with gang leaders, according to the AP.

The BBC reports a total of 120 arrests.

The MS-13 reorganized after a government crackdown on gangs this year, developing a parallel leadership when authorities isolated known leaders in jails.

Yet a new poll found that 53 percent of respondents feel the government's new "extraordinary measures," which have limited communication between incarcerated gang members and the outside world, have had "little" or "no" effect on reducing gang crimes, reports InSight Crime. A majority of respondents (97 percent) also said they would like to have an international commission to investigate organized crime and corruption in the country.

El Salvador's security policy suffers from an extreme case of polarization, going from an organized truce with the gangs to the current crackdown. (See March 31's post.) But the country would be better served by "a greater balance between the social and law-enforcement aspects of public security," argues InSight Crime's David Gagne. "To think of it in Salvadoran terms, such an approach would include communication with the gangs and other violence prevention strategies, but would not reach the level of open negotiations. It would require effective application of the law, but would not condone Mano Dura-style policing tactics."

Aside: Gang threats are causing thousands of children to leave school in El Salvador. Dropouts last year added up to 39,000 last year, triple the 2014 amount, reports InSight Crime.

News Briefs
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