Cunha ousted from Brazil's lower house (Sept. 13, 2016)

Brazilian lawmakers voted 450-10 yesterday to expel Eduardo Cunha, leaving him to face corruption charges without the broad protections afforded to federal legislators, reports the New York Times

He was technically ousted for failing to disclose offshore financial assets -- Swiss bank accounts where he allegedly hid graft money, explains the Wall Street Journal. Investigators say he took up to $40 million in bribes. And criminal charges for his participation in the broad kickback corruption scheme at state-owned oil company Petrobras could follow, reports the Guardian.

Though Cunha denied hidden Swiss accounts, information from Swiss authorities proved their existence, reports the BBC.

Cunha, the former speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, led the impeachment effort against former President Dilma Rousseff. But he has also become a symbol of the widespread graft afflicting the political system in Brazil. El País notes the magnitude of his fall: Cunha used to boast of having his own party, with hundreds of allies in addition to the PMDB to which he formally belongs. Yesterday he was abandoned by virtually all of his companions. He became the seventh legislator to lose his post since the ethics committee was created in 2001, and will be ineligible to hold political office until 2027.

Cunha was a key ally of Rousseff's successor, Michel Temer, but has criticized the government for failing to stand by him, according to the Associated Press. Had he remained in the speakers post, he'd be next in line for the presidency, after Temer. But the unpopular Cunha had become a political liability, notes the WSJ. Still, Cunha promises this won't be the end of his political career: “Politics is the only activity where you can die and be resuscitated numerous times,” he told reporters. 

He's gone from being all-powerful to a "man bomb," quips El País, and other politicians are worried about Cunha trading information on their own misdeeds in an attempt to avoid jail time. A plea bargain could threaten 50 politicians already under investigation in relation to Petrobras corruption, notes Deutsche Welle. His revelations could also threaten Temer's fragile government and complicate his fiscal austerity policies, reports Reuters. About 60 percent of the lower house's lawmakers are under investigation for corruption. 

For Rousseff supporters, the Cunha case is fraught. They see the impeachment proceeding against Rousseff as payback for the Workers' Party refusal to support Cunha in a December ethics committee proceeding that ended in yesterday's vote. (See post for Dec. 3, 2015.) 

Instead, Cunha insists that he has been sacrificed as payback for Rousseff's ouster.

In a separate, but related, note, the national attorney general dismissed by Temer last week said he believe the move is an attempt to derail the Petrobras investigation, reports the Associated Press

News Briefs
  • Brazil ratified the Paris agreement on climate change. The move by Latin America's largest greenhouse gas emitter could push other countries to follow its example, reports the Guardian. Panama also ratified the agreement yesterday, reports EFE. The Paris agreement will enter into force once 55 countries representing at least 55 percent of global emissions have formally joined it. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is seeking to rush the legal commitment ahead of the U.S. election, as Trump threatens to pull out if he wins, reports the New York Times.
  • A Salvadoran judge ordered the former attorney general freed from provisional detention for charges of divulging intercepted phone conversations, reports the Associated Press. He was arrested last month in a separate case related to charges of procedural fraud and "omission" in various cases. (See Aug. 25's post by David Holiday.)
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  • Two indigenous women who had remained "non-contacted" until 2014 fled back into the Amazon, taking just an ax, a machete and their pet birds, reports the Washington Post. They are members of the endangered Awá tribe, many of whom live in villages in the southeastern Amazon. An unknown number continuing the community's ancient hunter-gatherer existence, but are threatened by the encroachment of loggers and fires that are decimating their grounds. The case shows the importance of preserving lands for indigenous communities, say activists.
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  • CEPR investigation challenges a study that a U.S. program reduced perceptions of insecurity in Central America. Vanderbuilt University's Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) found the State Department’s Central American Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) had a significant measure of success in reducing violence. But CEPR challenges the results.

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