Signed pact is just the beginning of Colombia's peace process (Sept. 27, 2016)

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño signed the 297 page peace accord yesterday in an open-air ceremony in Cartagena attended by about 2,000 international dignitaries, reports the Wall Street Journal.

It was an image that Colombians have been yearning to see -- and a promise of peaceful politics that draws 52 years of fighting to a close, according to the New York Times. The international coverage is rife with emotional Colombian citizens praising peace. 

But La Silla Vacía's Juanita León says the ceremony's symbolism did spark the popular emotion needed to fully assure a win for peace in this weekend's upcoming plebiscite required to implement the accords.

And at a time when the region's politics are increasingly polarized between incoming right-wing governments and the end of the "pink tide's" leftist presidents, the peace pact is a moment of regional unity, noted several sources. Indeed, the ceremony offered the opportunity for a rare meeting between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, report the Miami Herald and the Los Angeles Times.

The ninety minute ceremony was filled with symbolic gestures, like when Santos took a dove shaped pin he has worn for years and gave it to his former adversary, who fastened it onto his own shirt, reports the Associated Press. Santos welcomed the FARC into democracy, reports El Espectador, and praised their decision to "exchange bullets for votes" as the "bravest and most intelligent a subversive group could make."

Though Londoño -- known by his nom-de-guerre Timochenko -- called on the Colombian government to honor promises to develop impoverished rural areas. But he also made a rare show of contrition, notes the WSJ, an important gesture ahead of the Sunday plebiscite on the pact. Though polls show that a majority the electorate favors the pact, many Colombians detest the guerrilla group and are loathe to concede pursuing justice for war crimes.

But, again, La Silla Vacía is far more critical than the international press. León criticizes Londoño's speech as "arrogant" for a country that would prefer to see him behind bars. And said he offered only a limited apology for the pain caused by the conflict. El Espectador was more positive, noting he asked the country to disarm hearts and minds. "I sincerely apologize to all the conflict's victims," said Londoño. 

Pacifista has highlights of Santos' and Londoño's speeches.

Critics of the deal, lead by former President Álvaro Uribe, said Santos is attempting to influence voters by holding the high profile event so close to the referendum, reports the Miami Herald.

But support for the peace pact is greatest in the rural areas most affected by violence, Woodrow Wilson Center expert Cynthia Arnson noted to the WSJ.

And transitional justice must not be confused with a general amnesty, warns peace process expert Mô Bleeker in an interview with Pacifista.

Civil society groups are struggling to give victims a chance to process their psychological wounds -- see this piece on "Que la paz te toque" by Fundación Mi Sangre, and the work of PazArte al campo.

The latest polls show the "yes" camp winning with 55 percent, over 36.6 in favor of "no," reports El TiempoEl Universal says polls show the "yes" camp could receive up to 66 percent. In a blog post from last week Andrés Gutiérrez analyzes the polls, showing a double digit lead for the "yes" vote, and show some of the regional trends. Though only 13 percent of the electorate must participate in the referendum for it's decision to be binding, an op-ed by Juan Tokatlian in El Tiempo notes that a higher participation rate would more auspiciously usher in a new era of peace. 

As Colombian's cast their votes on Sunday, FARC fighters will begin gathering in 27 camps around the country, where they will hand over their arms to a U.N. verification mission, reports El Tiempo. Within six months the FARC weapons will be melted down for three monuments to the victims of the conflict.

Beyond the direct implications of the deal in ending the conflict and providing a transitional justice framework, Colombian's need peace in order to continue developing the country, argues Ipsos Mori's sustainable development research director,
Jonathan Glennie, in a Guardian op-ed.

El Tiempo has an interesting piece on the challenges peace poses for the police, which must now focus on working with communities and on targeting local manifestations of organized crime, according to National Police director general Jorge Hernando Nieto.

Yellow butterflies: again speeches at yesterday's ceremony made reference to Gabriel García Márquez's fictional character, Mauricio Babilonia, and the yellow butterflies that followed him everywhere. "...Which once again proves that Gabriel García Márquez is the thread that conects Colombian identity," wrote Juanita León.

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