It's really frustrating that the president continues to spew such nonsense on immigration.

It's really frustrating that the president continues to spew such nonsense on immigration. Unfortunately, people believe him. And why shouldn't they, you don't expect a president to lie so blatantly, so often, about such important issues that affect the lives of millions of Americans. There are tons of terrific articles out there debunking his statements.

I've really enjoyed reading Dara Lind at Vox (Trump’s biggest insult to immigrants in his State of the Union) and Lomi Kriel at the Houston Chronicle (Explainer: Why can't immigrants here illegally just apply for citizenship?).

Be sure to check out those two articles as well as Jose Miguel Cruz's take down of the president on MS-13 in Trump is wrong about MS-13. His rhetoric will make it worse.I think that his conclusion is a bit over the top but Trump's rhetoric and actions towards the MS-13 are bound to make matters worse.

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