Costa Rica's next president

I spoke about Costa Rica's first round election with the AP on Tuesday. You can read a bit of our conversation and their write-up of the election in The evangelical singer who would be Costa Rica's president.
If same-sex marriage continues to play a big role in the campaign that could favor Fabricio. But ultimately both may need to convince voters on more nuts-and-bolts issues.
"People are definitely frustrated with the direction of the country for the last several years, the economy, the support for education and health, crime and security issues," Allison said. "Each candidate needs to have a narrative or a plan to tackle all these somewhat longer-term issues, as well as how does the country respond to the Inter-American Court's recent decision."
You can also check out  Carlos Malamud's election preview in Costa Rica: Anything is Possible in Upcoming Elections and Boz's take on their aftermath in Alvarado vs Alvarado in Costa Rica's second round.

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