Goodbye to El Salvador's two-party system

Nicaragua has grown into a dominant-party system. Guatemala has never really developed a meaningful party system (and I thought that UNE and PP could transform their system into a two-party system!). Two-party systems have collapsed in Honduras and Costa Rica.

That leaves El Salvador as the Central American country whose political system has not undergone major changes in two decades. Roberto Valencia says El Salvador might now be ready to say good-bye to its two-party system in the New York Times. I'm not sure we'll see much change next month but it's possible that could change in 2019 when the country next holds presidential elections.
La traición de la exguerrilla a sus promesas de cambio y la incapacidad de la derecha para reinventarse explican mucho del desencanto hacia el binomio Arena-FMLN. 
According to a recent survey by the Central American University, 64 percent of Salvadorans have no preference when asked with which political party they identify. Sixty-percent respond that they have little-to-no interest in voting in next month's election. And the person most likely to win a presidential election if it were held today would be independent Nayib Bukele.

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