Another night of government repression in Nicaragua

Orlando Perez gives his take on Nicaragua for Global Americans with Hear no evil, see no evil: Daniel Ortega in the midst of a crisis.
Ultimately, only an end to violence and negotiations that lead to regime change can resolve the crisis peacefully. At the moment, however, the prospects for such an outcome seem more remote than ever. Ortega, his wife, and their supporters seem adamant to remain in power by whatever means. The opposition does not seem to have the leverage necessary to push the regime to negotiate in good faith. The armed forces seem content to allow armed civilians to violently repress popular protests and to undermine domestic security. The police are actively involved in the repression. The international community is struggling to find an effective way of promoting a peaceful resolution. In the middle of this chaos are the Nicaraguan people, whose economy is deteriorating, whose security has been undermined, and whose dream of peace and democracy has turned into a nightmare.
Last night was another brutal one in Nicaragua as pro-government forces attacked the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. Easier said than done but the only solution is for Ortega and his followers to leave power.

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