Nicaragua marks anniversary of Somoza's overthrow (July 20, 2018)

Yesterday marked the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista victory against the Somoza dictatorship, and President Daniel Ortega spoke before tens of thousands of cheering supporters. He called for the reestablishment of order, and asked protesters to rectify their behavior. (Reuters)

Three months into violent unrest in Nicaragua, the government maintains that protesters are criminals and terrorists, though the international community is increasingly uniformly critical of the government's repression. (Guardian)

The exceptions are Venezuela and Cuba, which characterize the protests as coup attempts. Speaking at the anniversary celebration yesterday, Venezuela's foreign minister linked protests in Nicaragua to those in Venezuela, and offered to help defend the Ortega government, reports el Nuevo Diario.

It's hardly the demographic provoking the most concern these days, but the Wall Street Journal covers the thousands of expats suddenly trapped by Nicaragua's unexpected violence.

News Briefs

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  • Nicaraguans are only a tiny fraction of the thousands of Central Americans who each year try to cross into the U.S. But months of violent repression against anti-government protesters could well change that write FIU researcher José Miguel Cruz in the Conversation. The Ortegas' reliance on paramilitary groups to quash dissent echoes the conditions that created further violence in Nicaragua's neighbors, which in turn has pushed citizens to attempt escape.
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  • Lula probably can't run, but Brazil's presidential election this year will still be all about him -- making it the eighth consecutive time the race runs around the charismatic former metallurgic union leader, writes Brian Winter in Americas Quarterly. His analysis fairly spot on for all those people who fail to understand the perennial appeal of the region's populists. " ... Like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator movies, Lula keeps emerging from the fiery wreckage intact – at least politically. You could write a whole book explaining why, but the essence of it is simple: Lula’s time in office marked the best years of many Brazilians’ lives, especially among the working class."
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  • Brazil's indigenous affairs agency released footage of a lone uncontacted indigenous man in Rondônia. Specialists believe there are 113 uncontacted tribes living in the Brazilian Amazon – of which 27 groups have been confirmed – and one tribe living outside. (Guardian)
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  • Uruguay celebrated the first anniversary of legal marijuana sales in pharmacies. Though the start was slow and marked by insufficient supply, AFP reports on a more streamlined procedure now in the 14 pharmacies selling cannabis.
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