Nicaragua's ongoing repression, U.N. report (Aug. 29, 2018)

A new scathing U.N. Human Rights Office report denounces ongoing repression and violence in Nicaragua -- carried out by state forces and pro-government armed elements that acted with the acquiescence of high-level State authorities and the National Police. The report covers the first four months of the Nicaraguan crisis, from the protests that started on April 18 through August 18. It calls on the government of President Daniel Ortega to immediately halt the persecution of protesters and disarm the parapolice groups responsible for much of the violence. (Associated Press)

During the course of the crisis, about 300 people have been killed and about 2,000 injured, according to sources. Most of the deaths occurred through mid July. The report divides the period in two phases: the initial violent repression of anti-government protests, and a second second “clean-up” stage, from mid-June to mid-July, when police, pro-Government armed elements, including those known as “shock forces” (fuerzas de choque), and mobs (turbas) forcibly dismantled roadblocks and barricades set up by protesters.

"...The third and current stage of the crisis has seen demonstrators and others regarded as Government opponents persecuted and criminalized. ... as of 18 August, at least 300 people were being prosecuted, including on charges of terrorism and organized crime, for having participated in or supported the protests. These trials have serious flaws and do not observe due process, including the impartiality of the courts," the report says. The report denounces official harassment of protesters and human rights defenders, who are characterized as "terrorists." "There are currently no conditions for the free and safe exercise of the rights to freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly and association," according to the U.N. report.

Human Rights Watch has denounced the use of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detentions by the government. Protesters charged with terrorism have been denied due process and access to lawyers. HRW lauds the creation of an OAS working group to oversee the situation in Nicaragua -- the first such observation group created despite opposition from the government in question, and a potent tool for confronting authoritarian practices. "The OAS should ensure that the working group can rigorously monitor the human rights situation in Nicaragua and prevent Ortega’s government from using enforced disappearance and other aberrant crimes to perpetuate its own power."

The persecution has silenced many of the protesters, notes the report, which calls on the U.N. Human Rights council to establish an international inquiry or truth commission. (Reuters) A recent piece by the Associated Press reports on protesters forced into hiding after constant threats, uncertain as to how to maintain pressure on the government.

Ortega's tactics, such as denying responsibility for the pro-government shock-troops, mimic those of autocrats from abroad, writes Jon Lee Anderson in a New Yorker piece that references Russia's 2014 incursion into Crimea. The piece covers a similar time period as the U.N. report, providing on-the-ground detail and historical references.

Last night a judge convicted two young men for killing journalist Angel Gahona in Bluefields on April 21, during a protest. But his widow disputes the sentence, saying the men are innocent and her husband was killed by riot police, reports the Associated Press.

The report also notes some attacks on members of the ruling Sandinista party, government officials and security forces. Twenty-two police officers were killed, and some of the attacks were notably brutal, though the report emphasizes that cannot justify state human rights violations.

Anderson's New Yorker piece looks at the difficulties in exiting the crisis -- most analysts say Nicaraguan's will not be able to forgive the bloodshed, but Ortega might prefer to rule at gunpoint than step down and face justice or exile. Experts also point to the potential for criminal organizations to move into the destabilized country.

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