Irregular writing ahead

When you read this I will be flying above some ocean.

I cannot stay for the fall of Maduro, or the assassination of Guaido.  I need to go and take care of my Dad who is likely in his home stretch.  And this barely after surviving Ivan's home stretch.  Thus I will be gone from Venezuela the longest I have been since 1997.

I will try to write. In fact, they may be better informed posts since I will be able to access many of the censored pages inside Venezuela.  But it will likely be irregular, Z posts in a week, zero the next one.  Also, at least on the business side, I will be in touch with clients and partners so that aspect I will remain reliable.  What will be missing are personal accounts of repression as I used to put in 2017, for example. 

But I may post more pictures of where I'll be to share with you, as meditations of what life has been all these years.  I know, very narcissistic but heck, we are in the era of selfies!

To end may God bless my Venezuelan readers wherever they are. The time of anguish is upon us. Strength my friends!

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