Sedalia man accused of molesting young girl

Leo Allen Cranford
A Sedalia man has been accused of molesting a 2-year-old girl at her residence.

On Wednesday, a mother and father reported to the Sedalia Police Department that the father’s cousin had allegedly molested their 2-year-old daughter while she was in his care. According to court documents, the mother stated they left the child with Leo Allen Cranford, 40, of the 200 block of North Harding Avenue, while they went to town.

Upon returning, they noticed Cranford was not in his room, and found the man in the young girl’s room. The father said when he entered the room he observed both Cranford with his pants down and his daughter’s diaper removed.

Mr. Cranford turned himself in to the Pettis County Sheriff’s Office, where he was then questioned about the incident. He confessed to inappropriately touching the child while she was left in his care. He said once the couple came home, “he realized what he was doing was wrong and told (the father) that he was going to turn himself in.”

According to the court documents, Cranford is a registered sex offender and has previous convictions for similar offenses.

Mr. Cranford has been charged with first degree statutory sodomy and first degree child molestation. He is at the Pettis County Jail on a $250,000 bond, cash or surety. An arraignment took place at 11 a.m. Friday. A hearing has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Aug. 11th.

Courtesy of The Sedalia Democrat

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